Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Story of the Squid

“Have you heard of the squid story? 
I will tell you... 
Once upon a time there were two squids, they had traveled till they met each other.
Then, they fall in love... 
They became a couple and finally, they get married. 
On the day of marriage, squid priest told them to hold hands. 
So, they held each other hands.. 
Held the hands.... Held hands.... Held hands.... Held hands.... Held hands....”

"I've never eaten squids for so long since I heard this story"

Friday, November 12, 2010

Some people are REAL..
Some people are GOOD..
Some people are FAKE...
And some people are REAL GOOD at being FAKE!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

There are people who intend to hurt you, 
but there are also people who get hurt because you are hurt...
No one would express such true words to people they don't care about..
But the most painful words are said most for your own benefit and are also the truest words ever, 
because they believe that you will understand it in the end after all the conversation you'll have...
Only those people that are true to you would only accept and give such a harsh words,
this is why the 'TRUTH really do hurts sometimes..

Saturday, October 30, 2010

What will you do?

People are going to disappoint you. I get that, I kind of expect that. But, what if you wake up one day and realize you're the disappointment? What now...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'am not goin' to live my life saying "WHAT IF"...
I wanna know "WHAT IS"....